Tuesday, January 5, 2010

To pack, or not to pack?

I leave in three days, and I am no closer to being packed than I was three months ago. Actually, I'm worse off, because I still haven't unpacked the clothes I brought back from Boston. I have piles of things EVERYWHERE. It's completely overwhelming. I know once I unpack, do the last load of laundry and lay everything out I'll be in better shape. But right now all I want to do is print pictures to hang on my walls in London, make sure my ipod is updated with lots of new music and get everyone's skype screen name.

Today I found out that I only have wifi access for 2,000 minutes each week. It ends up being over 33 hours, which is reasonable, but very different from what I usually use in the U.S. I won't be able to keep AIM, Gchat and Skype up all the time, which I'm actually excited about. Right now I am overly addicted to technology. I don't think 33 hours of connectedness a week counts as detox, but it's definitely the closest thing I've ever had to a technological cleanse. I think it will be healthy.

Yesterday I got a bunch of great recommendations from a friend who studied in London, as well as the info that another friend who I haven't seen in a long time studied at the same program. After e-mailing her, she raved about working for BBC Parliament, which is a possible placement for me too! She gave me a whole bunch of great tips about classes at London School of Economics, the internships and a great kebab place. She had an incredible experience at Hansard, and her advice and excitement was exactly what I needed to calm down.

Everything will be great. I know it.

If anyone has any tips for food/shopping/travel, please send them my way!

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